This is an example of a Jekyll site using Jekyll Favicon Plugin.

How does this work?

First: the favicon gem

Add the Jekyll Favicon gem at your Gemfile and bundle!

gem 'jekyll-favicon', '~> 1.0.0.pre.3', group: :jekyll_plugins

Second: the favicon template

Put an SVG like Favicon SVG example at the root of your project and name it favicon.svg.

favicon.ico favicon.png safari-pinned-tab.svg
favicon.ico favicon.png safari-pinned-tab.svg
android-chrome-192x192.png android-chrome-512x512.png
android-chrome-192x192.png android-chrome-512x512.png
mstile-icon-128x128.png mstile-icon-270x270.png mstile-icon-558x270.png mstile-icon-558x558.png
mstile-icon-128x128.png mstile-icon-270x270.png mstile-icon-558x270.png mstile-icon-558x558.png

Also, It will generate or update a browserconfig and a webmanifest.

In order to load those files, a new Liquid tag favicon is available. Use it in your head tag:

  <!-- your other head content goes here -->
  {% favicon %}

Jekyll Favicon will generate tags for all the new resources:

<link href='/favicon.ico' rel='shortcut icon' sizes='36x36 24x24 16x16' type='image/x-icon'/>
<link href='/favicon.png' rel='icon' sizes='196x196' type='image/png'/>
<link color='transparent' href='/safari-pinned-tab.svg' rel='mask-icon'/>
<meta content='/mstile-icon-128x128.png' name='msapplication-TileImage'/>
<meta content='transparent' name='msapplication-TileColor'/>
<link href='/manifest.webmanifest' rel='manifest'/>
<meta content='/browserconfig.xml' name='msapplication-config'/>

Use yout browser to inspect the source code of this page, specifically, the content of the head tag.